ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Opportunity Seekers

You’re About To Discover The Little Known Secret To Locating, Funding, Buying and Selling Businesses For Huge Profits 

Hint: It Is Not Buying Another Air BNB.  It Is Way More Profitable. 
And Still Gives You The Same Tax Benefits.

The Next Challenge Starts:

August 21 - 25th

September 11 - 15th

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

7:00pm-8:00pm EST

General Adminssion

Yes, I'm IN!


6:00pm-8:00pm EST

VIP Experience

Yes, I'm IN!


Find Deals For Sale, Fund All of Your Deals, Flip (or Keep) Your Deals For Huge Profits.

Take The Challenge

Redefine What's Possible

It is happening now. The economy is primed and ready for people in the position to invest to find hidden deals that they didn't even know existed that will take their wealth to the next level. 


5 Day Commitment

1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Get ready to be immersed in the process and experience the benefits.

Final Result

Expand Your Investments

Find deals, fund effectively, exit or keep profitably. Anyone can find a great deal but few know how to close and maximize profit  from deals. 

This Class Is For

The Makers & The Doers

Are you ready to make and close deals for profits?
If so this class will help you level up your game, even if you have never closed a deal before.

If you don't learn the leverage principle someone is using it on you!!!
Learn The Leverage Principle
What If You Are Missing Out On Millions Of Dollars Because Your Money Is Sleeping In The Bank Or Getting Spent On Toys For Tax Breaks Instead Of Getting Those Same Tax Breaks While Putting Your Money To Work? 

Join The Challenge And Learn LIVE...


Watch as Sylvester Share How He Has Used Marc's Methods

Karen - Kansas City ~

 Marc took me by the hand and helped me identify a simple deal that led to my next deal which was a fantastic and profitable family restaurant. I quickly made about 20K on the first deal I did with Marc and that one deal changed everything for me.
Transform The WAy you think about Business
Learn What Microsoft, Apple, And Facebook Know About Growing By Acquiring Deals!
During this 5-day class, learn the concept Marc Golden calls emotional connection 
(I see you, I feel you, I am you, therefore I help you).        
These are the concepts Marc uses to enroll business owners into deal-making opportunities. 
This class meets you where you are and pushes your skills to new heights.
Genesis believes people don't just buy on launch day...

Instead they buy every day with - their time, their clicks and posts and tweets - this is big data.

Understanding how to use big data allows us to be bigger than the competition, and it allows us to make a bigger impact.
Challenge ComMunity
Access to the  Find Fund Flip Challenge Facebook Group. You will be surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are excited to learn the secrets of deal making. 
Find Deals, Fund Deals
You will learn the secret to finding  great deals, and funding those deals all while attracting willing sellers, who desire your help. You have the opportunity to make money from day one.
Profit From Your Deals
Learn the secret to finding the  deals that can make you the most income, right from the start. This secret allows you to profit while scaling, and how to make the most if you choose to exit.
No Money Down Offers
You will learn the secrets of finding no money down and low money down offers that can change your net worth positively and dramatically.
Offers With Lender Appeal
Learn to make your deals attractive to the SBA. And have banks lining up to lend you money to pay for your deals, with as little as 5% down.
Join the Challenge
Grab your ticket and join the challenge  today
5 days. perfectly Organized for success.
Learn to make precise, profitable, win/win offers to sellers, investors, or buyers through a proven deal-making process that has been used by Marc Golden his clients, and students to do millions and millions of dollars in business purchases and sales!
Learn or improve your skills through in depth training sessions, practical application, and Q & A  sessions.
Check out the deails below...
Day 1: Deal Science
On the first day,  you will now know how to pick out a good deal from a bad deal.
  •  Deal Science - Learn what makes a great day
  • Willing  and couragous sellers    
  • Informed and couragious buyers 
  • A skilled broker
Day 2: The Psychology of the Deal
On the second day, you will learn why sellers sell, and how to make your offers appealing to them.
  •  Offer Strategies - Great offers attract sellers
  • Prepare Your Offer    
  • Present your offer       
  • Empower your offer  
Day 3: Offer Scripts
On the third day, you will now know how to have the perfect conversation around your offer.
  •  Offer Templates - Fill in the Blank Winning Offers
  •  Make Sure Your Offer is Valuable                            
  • Make Sure Your Offer is Clear and Simple          
  •  Make Sure Your Offer is Time Sensitive              
Day 4: 52 Ways to Finance - Get the Money
On the fourth day, you will learn to the ins and outs of traditional and creative financing. The Money Sourcing Made Easy.
  •  Funding Secrets - They Will Make You Or Break You!
  •  SBA, Banks, & Asset Lenders                                         
  • Sellers, Investors, Angels, & Family                            
  •  Private Equity, Vendors, Customers, and More
Day 5: Deal Creation Launch
On the fifth day, you will learn to deal and close fast.
  • Takeover Mastery - Become Irresistible to Sellers
  •   You Eliminate Pain  and Worry                             
  •  You Create and Increase Pleasure                       
  •     You Expose Possibilities & Raise Awareness 

Learn from the best in the industry

Marc Golden

During this class you will learn closely guarded secrets that previously Marc Golden has only shared in his ultra high-end masterminds and with his own team! Whether you are a entrepreneur or sales professional looking to increase their commissions, you are going to gain knowledge about deal making you didn't know existed that can take you and your business to the next level.

A New Kind Of Challenge
Marc Golden does not just teach business brokering and deal making but works in the industry daily. His constant deal-making activity in the area of Mergers and Acquisitions has given Marc the knowledge that gives his students an unfair advantage. This same knowledge also gives his sellers the best methods for selling for maximum profits. 

Because Marc Golden has had the benefit of working with many buyers and sellers, he has had the unique advantage of working side-by-side with both buyers and sellers from the start of the deal to the close. Marc has also started, bought, and sold many businesses of his own. 

If all these great insider secrets sound like something much different than the same old stuff, then you are in the right place, at the right time.

Can you imagine buying a business and immediately getting a six-figure income? Can you imagine selling that business after scaling (all while earning bigger and bigger income increases)?  Even more, can you imagine cashing out for a seven-figure profit, in just a few short years? And this is just one example of the deals you will learn to make with Marc Golden leading you.
Challenges Create Champions, Are You Up For A Challenge?
Why this challenge?
Challenging times make incredible people. Those incredible people go on to do amazing things that impact their families, and the world for generations. 

Would you Challenge yourself for five short days of 2-hour sessions, if you would walk away with skills that will make you additional millions each year?

Both Expert And Community Support...
Share your struggles and massive wins within the Find, Fund, Flip Challenge community. Empower your expectations, eliminate your excuses and explode with execution with The Find Fund Flip Challenge! 

Imagine being surrounded by supportive and like-minded people who are on the same mission! Imagine having a coach and mentor who has done millions of dollars in sales; with his own deals, and for clients of his brokerage firm.
Imagine making deals during the challenge and again, and again for years to come...
You will be given the opportunity to find your first deal after the first class and see results immediately.
All while learning to make multiple types of deals including...
  • Deal Sourcing - This ensures you never run out of business buying opportunities...
  • Creative Financing - This ensures everyone can land deals and buy businesses
  •  SBA, Banks, and Free Money Sources - 5% percent down and a 600 credit score can get the deal done
  • Leverage what is already there - Existing inventory, existing vendors, existing receivables, and more money sources

7:00pm-8:00pm EST

General Adminssion

Yes, I'm IN!


6:00pm-8:00pm EST

VIP Experience

Yes, I'm IN!


General Admission Experience

Here's What You Get...

  •  5 Days Finding, Funding  and Selling Training With Marc Golden Deal Master...
  • Access To Make Find Fund Flip Challenge FB Group
  • ​Find Fund Flip Challenge Workbook
  • ​Lifetime Reduced Broker Fees From Marc's Brokerage Services
  • ​Bonus Session During The Challenge: How To Earn Income From The Deal Making Industry Without Making Deals

VIP Experience

Here's What You Get...

  • 5 Days Of Finding. Funding, and Selling  Training Marc Golden Deal Master...
  • Access To Find Fund Flip Challenge FB Group
  • ​Ebook Of Get Rich Through O.P. P. Other People's Profits Marc Golden's 2nd Top Selling Book
  • ​Free review of 1 completed SBA loan application before you submit to lender
  • ​Find Fund Flip Challenge Workbook
  • Free Review of 2 Deals From Family Business Advisors
  • ​VIP Pre Game Via Zoom Q&A Plus High Level Coaching For Your Current Offers
  • ​​Lifetime Reduced Broker Fees From Marc's Brokerage Services
  • ​Bonus Session During The Challenge: How To Earn Income From The Deal Making Industry Without Making Deals
still have questions? here are some answers
Frequently Asked Questions
If your questions aren't listed below, click here to chat with us.
Q: Who is this challenge for?
Entrepreneurs, business owners, or opportunity seekers who desire to find deals that make their money make money.  If you would like to learn more creative options for funding, learn to find and close lucrative deals, and learn about the deals that will make you the most while being tax write offs, then this challenge is for you.

Q: Who is this class not for?
Over Analyzers, and the indecisive business opportunity seekers. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books, and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious, please don't waste your money or our time. 
Q: How much is the training?
There are 2 ways to participate in The Find, Fund, Flip Challenge. The General Admission Experience is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $297 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom pre-game show with Q&A and VIP Coaching with Marc Golden. Deal Maker, M&A Expert, and Business Broker.
Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?
While I do have content available on sales and marketing your products and services, this is the only training I offer on my Find, Fund, Flip method.
Q: Are the challenge classes live?
Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group (the recordings will be live in the Facebook group until Sunday night of the challenge at 11:59pm. At that time they will be permanently removed. 
Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
Each day we will have the VIP session on zoom which will be for Q&A and person business coaching prior to the General Admission Session. The General Admission Session will be the training portion of the challenge.
Q: Will I get direct feedback from Marc?
Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you choose the General Admission experience you will not have access to the Q&A session but will be able to participate in a live Facebook stream that gives you access to the main training. 

Step Up To The Opportunity And Start Creating Generational Wealth for Your Family Today...

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